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Floss Bobbin
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Floss Bobbin

Embroidery floss, perle cotton, and threads galore are among Nutmeg Hare's favorite things. And if you add a bit of "vintage" in any way or form, it is even better....Hence, I could not resist offering my stitching friends the vintage style and charm of this 2 pack floss bobbin. Be a stylish stitcher and wind your favorite stitching thread onto your special floss bobbin...OR...make a lovely display with buttons, wooden spools, and various vintage sewing goodies.
Either way....Enjoy!
Twisted Tweed Red Perle Cotton
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#PT1 Twisted Tweed Red Perle Cotton

Valdani always offers the most irresistible threads and those that add a new variety to your stitching enjoyment. This size 12 Valdani perle cotton is another beautiful creation. The two tone twists of vintage red and olde gold will add a new look to your handwork and is perfect for blanket stitching wool backing to fronts and other special detail work..I have strawberries in mind... The 100 meter ball will leave you with plenty of thread for your stash and more wool projects. At Nutmeg Hare, one can never have enough floss and perle cotton to choose from. With Valdani's new twisted tweed, stitching is even more exciting.
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Bronze Valdani Colorfast Embroidery Floss
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#P9 Bronze Valdani Colorfast Embroidery Floss

Bronze, bronze, beautiful bronze...Another perfect hand-over dyed Valdani six strand embroidery floss just for you. This thread is rich in its variegated color tones of traditional brown, burnt sienna, chestnut, russet, and shades between. At Nutmeg Hare, bronze has become a staple thread for many a stitchin' project. (Used in "The Sweetest Miracle" and "Carrots on the Bunny Trail"lettering just to name a few)...Available in a ten yard skein this is as always a perfect floss choice for your thread collection.

1 in stock
Copper Leaf Valdani Colorfast Embroidery Floss
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#M78 Copper Leaf Valdani Colorfast Embroidery Floss

This six strand Valdani hand- overdyed floss is wonderful to stitch with and is available in a ten yard skein. The variegated shades range from burnt orange to copper to olive to lions mane to dark goldenrod and even some shades between...Just a beautiful thread to play with...With Copper Leaf, I think Autumn is a callin'.

2 in stock
Rusty Burgundy Valdani Colorfast Perle Cotton
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#78 Rusty Burgundy Valdani Colorfast Perle Cotton

This size 12 Valdani hand- overdyed perle cotton is yet another in the many beautiful colors Valdani offers, and is available in a 100 meter ball...making sure to leave you enough for the thread stash and other fun projects. The dark garnet thread shade is a rich and lovely color and would be a treat to use on any holiday stitching fun involving shades of burgundy (candy cane stripes, Santa's suit stitched in richness, and poinsettias are just a few ideas) At Nutmeg Hare, one can never have enough floss and perle cotton to choose from.
1 in stock
Rusted Orange  Valdani Colorfast Perle Cotton
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#P6 Rusted Orange Valdani Colorfast Perle Cotton

 At Nutmeg Hare, one can never have enough floss and perle cotton to choose of course this size 12 Valdani hand- overdyed perle cotton is yet another "must have". Available in a 100 meter ball...leaving plenty for the thread stash, the beautiful variegated color tones range from golden carrot to primitive pumpkin shades and those in between. This is a wonderful perle cotton for carrot and pumpkin detail as well as Autumn leaves floating to the ground.  Just let your imagination flow.
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